Leaving soon

Katja Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Almost one month in Slovenia went by too fast. To be honest, there was really not much time for boredom. I think we did quite a good job at fitting the whole winter into one month – went up the snowy mountains as much as we could & visited almost all of the people we wanted to see again. Luckily we have also successfully avoided the nasty flu which has been going around quite a lot right now. It´s been at least 6 years since I´ve been home for such a long time and even if that meant we cut off a week or two from our upcoming trip, we don´t regret it at all. We still have muuuuch time left before we go back to our German home.

And now? Packing & saying goodbyes today, driving to Munich tomorrow and flying to Singapore on Sunday. As it is the rainy season in the Pacific right now, we just have a rough plan where exactly we are going, we´ll just see what the weather says and follow the sun. We do have the plane tickets for the flights between the islands as they were much cheaper to buy a little bit in advance. If there is internet and we feel like it, we might write something here and there, until then, adios :).

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