2019 already waved goodbye and with this post we are remembering our adventures of the past year one more time. It was definitely not a boring one in terms of travel – we ended up visiting 18 countries on 3 different continents! Some of them with Lu and some of them just the two of us. Besides these really awesome …
MAHE ISLAND, Seychelles | things to see and do on Mahe in just 1 day
We only had one full day to spend on Mahe as we wanted to spend the most of our time between La Digue and Praslin. Since we only had about 8 days in total, I think we made a good choice and even in just one day we got the taste of the island.
PRASLIN ISLAND, Seychelles | 4 days of tropical beaches, hopping neighbouring islands and national parks
Praslin, the second island we visited during our Seychelles trip, was much different to La Digue, but nonetheless gorgeous. Here, we found more dreamy beaches, a national park with its famous Coco de Mer palm trees and had more delicious food before we flew off to Mahe.
LA DIGUE ISLAND, Seychelles | 4 days beach holidays on one of the best laid back tiny islands in the world
La Digue, this tiny paradise island in the Indian ocean, is not to be missed going to while visiting the Seychelles. It was our FAVOURITE ISLAND of the three we visited, mostly because of its RELAXED ATMOSPHERE, dreamy sandy BEACHES, no big hotels and the possibility of exploring it either ON FOOT or with a BICYCLE.
SEYCHELLES | La Digue, Praslin & Mahe islands in 8 days
After quite a long break from a tropical beach we were finally off to one this April. To Seychelles. This time it was the 3 of us again. In 8 days we visited La Digue and Praslin island and had one full day on Mahe island before we flew back. The warm temperatures and the hot sun were just what …