The upside down house Bispingen Germany

BISPINGEN, Germany | the upside down house


On our weekend away, visiting the LÜNEBURGER HEIDE heath area, we woke up to a rainy Sunday morning and decided to start the day with a visit to this FUNNY HOUSE where everything is UPSIDE DOWN. You can visit similar houses also in Leipzig, Usedom, Rügen, Wertheim, Edersee, Thale,..


The upside down house, on German it is called DAS VERRÜCKTE HAUS is easily accessible from the A7 highway travelling between HANNOVER and HAMBURG. Take the exit 43a, or put in the following address in your navigation: Horstfeldweg 1, 29646 BISPINGEN. It will take just a few minutes from the highway which makes it a great stop to stretch the legs.

bispingen map

There is also a gas station, McDonalds, a gift shop, TRAMPOLINES and food stalls selling typical northern German fish sandwiches. There is a SNOW DOME hall for INDOOR SKIING in the near also. BISPINGEN town with lots of ACCOMMODATION possibilities is a couple of kilometres away.


March – October: 10 – 19:00, November – February: 11 – 17:00

Entry fee for adults and kids older than 4 years is 4€, younger kids go in free of charge. Dogs not allowed!


The whole house is, as you can see, turned upside down and as if this wasn´t enough, the floor is inclined by 7 degrees! You step inside and walk in the first floor, go around the usual rooms (bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms, living room, up and down the stairs and so on). It really looks like a normal family house, just upside down.

crazy house 1

There are also many mirrors inside which made me feel like I was a goldfish in a small bowl – the combination of that inclined floors made me even dizzy a couple of times.


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You have to look up most of the times and at taking pictures try and touch the stuff GLUED TO THE CEILING – once you turn the photos on the computer they will look much funnier that way. One cannot miss the love to the detail – there are even “used” handkerchiefs glued into the trash bins and so on.


The windows are constructed in a way kids can easily climb into the space around them and jump off, which makes extra funny photos.

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And in reality it looks like this: the bed is fixed at the top, so is the flower pot at the window shelf.


Of course the best time to visit is when you are all alone in the house (probably not on the weekends). We were there shortly after 10AM when it opens and had enough peace to make a couple of those funny photos without having other visitors in every shot.

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From the house you can already see the Snow dome.


To conclude – this was a FUNNY EXPERIENCE, but I think it´s one of those things you do once and do not have to do again any time soon. Alfter noticing all those little details I would say it´s worth 4€ entry fee, so if you are ever around (especially with kids, they loved it!), give it a go.

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