Singapore food and drinks - typical Singaporean dishes and what to eat in Singapore

SINGAPORE food & drinks | typical Singaporean food and what to eat in Singapore

Katja FOOD + RECIPES, SINGAPORE Leave a Comment

Singaporean cuisine is a mix of Chinese, Indian, Malay, Indonesian, Thai and even European. Everything what we had was of good taste and the choice is endless. In food courts you can eat for a good price, and it´s not time consuming. The most common dish would be probably chicken and rice and if you head to the Maxwell food …

SINGAPORE | what to see and do in 4 days


It´s big, it´s clean, it´s green, its has some AMAZING ARCHITECTURE, great RESTAURANTS and (from what we heard) NIGHTLIFE. And if you feel too claustrophobic between all the big SKYSCRAPERS you can easily escape to one of the BEACHES or PARKS nearby. I was in Singapore when I was 14 years old and everything looked soooo big back then – …

Bali food and drinks - typical Balienese dishes and what to eat in Bali

BALI food & drinks | typical Balienese dishes and what to eat in Bali

Katja FOOD + RECIPES, INDONESIA | BALI Leave a Comment

We were really looking forward to INDONESIAN CUISINE, especially because we were never in Indonesia before and have never eaten in a proper Indonesian restaurant where we live. We ate something similar in Malaysia, Thailand and the rest of SE Asia, but you know, it´s never the same. Balinese cuisine does have some of its own specialities, which demonstrate indigenous …

Vietnam food and drinks - typical Vietnamese dishes and what to eat in Vietnam

VIETNAM food & drinks | typical Vietnamese dishes and what to eat in Vietnam

Katja FOOD + RECIPES, VIETNAM Leave a Comment

One evening in Ho Chi Minh City we wanted to try something truly Vietnamese. We saw a very nice restaurant, so we decided to give it a try. It was extremely expensive compared to what we would normally pay for food and we were not quite sure what we ordered as the waitress couldn´t speak English so good. She brought …