She is finally here, our little Mila! Soon, we´ll blow the first candle on the mini cake. Celebrating monthly baby anniversaries might have seemed slightly ridiculous to me before, but right now I think it´s just fantastic. What I find less fantastic though, is the fact that it´s already 4 weeks since we drove to the hospital. It´s about time …
While we are really looking forward to a new family member arriving any day now, I decided to make the best of this extra time to remember one very special period of the last decade, namely the time when Lu and I were left alone and I suddenly had to find myself in the new role of a single mom. …
TRAVELLING WHILE PREGNANT | when, where and how to travel during pregnancy
Regardless of whether you have been planning your pregnancy for a long time or it all happened rather spontaneously, you will certainly have a bunch of questions once you see a plus on the pregnancy test. Those of us who like to travel or are regularly involved in certain sport activities might even be intimidated at first, questioning whether this …
RESPONSIBLE TRAVEL | 30 ways how to travel more responsibly
All this extra time on our hands the last few months made me also think about many travel related issues. Not just about how travelling will change after the pandemic but also about how do we as individuals travel. What do we do and how do we act in order to keep our planet as safe and intact as possible. …
The beginning of the new calendar year is usually the perfect time for me to plan upcoming trips, buy at least one plane ticket and outline certain goals, both travel-ralated and those more personal ones. This way, I have something to look forward to and more motivation for everyday tasks. This year, of course, everything is completely different, and instead …
Tips & ideas for (family) TENT CAMPING | everything you need to know about camping with a tent
Holidays ín the great outdoors are a good counterweight to our everyday busy city life. Also for us. On camping holidays and trips we spend the whole day outside on fresh air, surrounded by nature offering us endless possibilities for different activities. The usage of electronic devices drops to an absolute minimum, you and your kids make a bunch of …
holidays WITHOUT KIDS vs. holidays WITH KIDS | what changes when you start travelling as a family
I´ve published this post a while ago, when Lu was still much younger and have updated it now that we have more travel experiences. At the moment we have a good balance of travelling just us two and travelling with Lu as a family, so the difference is even more present sometimes. But he´s also 8 years old now and …
BACKPACKING WITH KIDS | how & what to pack
1 mum, 1 son, 3 destinations, 18 days, 1 big backpack, 1 smaller one and a kids one. There was 15-20C in Hong Kong & Macau, over 30C in the Philippines and under 0C at home when we left. Meaning we had to pack a little bit of everything – light jackets, long sleeves, but also flip flops and swimsuits. …
travelling with kids: WHY DO WE DO IT?
If I would have to answer someone´s question about why we are travelling as a family in one sentence I would say that we do it “because we would otherwise run mad!” But if I try to explain it further, the story goes something like this: