Beginning of a new calendar year is always a good time to start thinking about holidays, isn´t it? We often ask ourselves and our friends where we want to go this year, we set new goals, we make new resolutions and are determined to change some habits. For a change, we still have zero fixed travel plans for 2020 (except …
LAOS food & drinks | typical lao dishes and what to eat in Laos
We were so happy to see FRENCH BAGUETTE, the first thing I ordered when we arrived into Luang Prabang was a TUNA SANDWICH. I would most certainly not do that if we were not already travelling for weeks and I really missed good BREAD for breakfast. Red wine was still too luxurious for our pockets, but 600mL BEER LAO made …
LAOS | 3 weeks backpacking from the north to the south
We didn´t know if it´s Tuesday or Wednesday and we did not even care. WE HAD ALL THE TIEM IN THE WORLD, well at least until our plane left from Bangkok. We started our SE ASIAN TRIP in CAMBODIA, travelled through VIETNAM from the south to the north, where we crossed the border to LAOS. We had no plan where …